Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Terminal of the Mind CAST Announcement

Ed Johnson as "Mitch Hallum"

Owen Robertson as "Jonathan Chete"

Beth Miller as "Ava Watson"

Vincenzo Hinckley as "Colin Harris"

JT Chinn as "Detective Owen McKenzie"

Also congratulations to Colby Butler who will be playing "Alexander Griffin" and to the following extras: Rotlando Duarte, Andreia Kranenburg, Angela Hudec, Adam Farrel, Dayra Rodriguez, Jorge A. Zayas, Tara V., Jessica Lemon, Scott Englert, Zolia Perez, and Tyler Peal!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Backup Location- Continued

Backup Location Photos -The Pier Hotel

Friday, November 11, 2011


Director/Writer: Kat Romanowski
Producer/Art Director: Sophia Juarbe
Direcotr of Photography: Francisco Pineros
Sound Production: Chris Griffin
Camera Op #2: Charlie Beauchamp
Special Effects: Jordan Loscalzo/Brad Lulas

Monday, November 7, 2011

The picture above is an Art piece that is an inspiration to our film.



11/12/11: 12-4 @ the Art Institute of Tampa Room 162

11/15/11: 5pm-7pm @ the Art Institute of Tampa Atrium

11/18/11: 10-4 @ the Art Institute of Tampa Location TBA


When mysterious murders occur at a luxurious hotel, it is up to Detective Owen Mckenzie to solve the case. Alexander Griffin's body is found burned to death, while Ava Watson is found drowned in her bathtub the following day. A sociopath has created a drug which he slips to people causing them to hallucinate their worst fears. Can people die from their worst fear? Detective McKenzie is confused due to the lack of clues at each crime scene until he begins to question members of the hotel staff in a desperate search for the answer.

Character List:

Owen McKenzie: Detective Owen McKenzie is the protagonist and main character in Terminal of the Mind. Mid 20's-30's, Caucasian, medium/average build.

Colin Matthews: Colin is the antagonist in the film. He is a college-student, bartender at the hotel. Young 20's, height 5'8 or above, slender build, dark hair/dark features.

Jonathan Chete: Jonathan is the hotel manager. 30's to 40's, average build.

Alexander Griffin: Alexander is a businessman who stays at the hotel. Caucasian, late 20's, slender build.

Ava Watson: Ava is a young female who is a guest at the hotel. 20's.

Slender build, long hair.

Mitch Halum: Mitch plays the coroner. Male, late 20's to 40's. Any build/height.

Police Officer: This part could be either male or female, 20's to 40's.

Extras Needed:

Bartender: Female, early 20's, any build/height.

Restaurant Guests: Any age/build. Need about 10-13 people.

Two hotel workers: Male/female. Any age/build.

Two Crime Scene Investigators/Photographers: Male/Female. Any age/build.

Food/drinks will be provided at each shoot, plus a fun wrap party will be held at the end of production.

Character descriptions can be subject to change, so if you feel you are right for any part PLEASE AUDITION!


Kat Romanowski (Writer/Director) Or Sophia Juarbe (Producer)

kathleen.romanowski@gmail.com sophialimited@aol.com
